Bespoke Cycling Training Plan for Triathletes
£80 Per Month
This plan is designed for those who need input into their CYCLING plan for the triathlon.
You know what you are doing for swimming and running but need a plan for cycling that fits with your lifestyle and other commitments.
Bespoke CYCLING Training Programme s for Triathletes are an affordable means of having a customised, totally unique training programme that is designed for you and considers:
- YOUR history
- YOUR strengths and weaknesses,
- YOUR time available to train,
- YOUR goals
Get the benefit of expert input to your training so you have the confidence that you are getting the most out of the time you have to train.
Included in all Bespoke Programmes
- Option to upgrade your Basic Training Peaks Account to Premium for £10pm, compared to £20pm through Training Peaks directly.
- 15% off a Stryd Power meter for running
- Your own member's area on our web platform, which has information to help you through your programme as well as other interesting tips we don't release publicly.
- Your Annual Training Plan
- The option to upgrade or downgrade your account at any time (i.e. go from a single discipline to triathlon or vice versa)
- Your A races can be planned using our Best Bike Split account to provide an accurate and relevant pacing strategy and accurate time prediction.
- Access to cost price Team Kit and be part of the British Triathlon and Cycling Time Trials affiliated club.