Swim Video Analysis

One of the best ways of improving technique is to be able to see what you are currently doing. This helps to understand how you can improve. 

What you think you are doing and what you are actually doing are not necessarily the same thing.

Mark Pearce

Our video analysis process utilises high-quality underwater footage captured at one of the best pools in the UK, Loughborough University's High-Performance Pool.  We capture a variety of angles, including:

  • Head-on
  • Side on full body length (both sides)
  • Overhead (birdseye view)
  • Side on above water

The footage is then analysed in Onform video analysis suite and a video summary is recorded for your records. 

You will receive a link to a copy of the video analysis, a report with recommendations for how to develop your technique and some sample sessions.

During the session, you will

  • warm-up
  • undertake ~ 6 - 8 x 50m or 100m depending upon your speed.

This enables us to get footage underwater from

  • underwater, both sides
  • underwater, head-on
  • above water, birds eye
  • above water, side on both sides.

These need to be performed at around your racing speed, so we may require you to do a good warm-up first so that we are seeing a representative stroke.  Most people's first 25m is much better than their stroke even with a little fatigue.

If you wish to enquire and arrange a session time prior to booking click HERE




£120.00 £114.00 for current members
British Pound